Jordan Harrell joined the JAG program at Cloverdale High School for her senior year, the 2017 to 2018 school year. She joined JAG because she heard good reviews of both the JAG Model, as well as Cloverdale JAG Specialist Karl Turk.
“He (Turk) made learning fun, I think. He is a real people person and he is really easy to talk to and he is just a really good guy in general,” Harrell said.
She learned key components that encompass the JAG Advantage, including professional skills, personal growth, and how to work as a team. She found mentorship with Turk and friendship with the rest of her JAG peers. Additionally, she landed a position as an intern at First National Bank in Cloverdale, Indiana through JAG.
“What I did there was that they had a ton of billing invoices in filing cabinets and they wanted the paper copies scanned onto the computer, so I had to use the scanner, then I had to index with the companies’ name and dates and everything onto this program,” Harrell said. “I was able to file those onto the computer and it was a couple of years worth, so I was pretty proud of myself that I finished all of that.
After graduating from Cloverdale High School in 2018, Harrell’s internship at First National Bank turned into a full-time job as an Operations Specialist. She did that for three years, then moved to Norfolk, Virginia to work at Virginia Eye Consultants. In June, Harrell decided to move back to Indiana and is now working towards her real estate license.
“I think I have always wanted to go into real estate, because actually my senior year in the JAG program, that is what I wanted to do [ . . .] you work with people and I like working with people,” Harrell said.
In the JAG program four years ago, Harrell presented real estate as her intended career at the State Career Development Conference. Now, she takes the knowledge she learned about real estate in JAG and applies real estate classes.
“I think I just miss learning all of the information that the JAG program taught me, because I didn’t know it for one, and because I thought it was really interesting so I could still use it today. I would definitely learn it all again,” Harrell said.